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Consumer advocates secure utility protections after hard winter

Throughout the pandemic, consumer advocates, state regulators and utilities have negotiated consumer protections to try to keep people connected to service. The following is a summary of the latest protections, broken down by the major utilities in the state, according to the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). After reading this, CUB…...

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Seven tips to prepare your home for summer

It’s that time of year again as we move out of the winter and into warmer weather, so make sure to include some home maintenance on your spring cleaning to-do list. Consider adding these actions to your checklist:  Air Conditioning. Clean or replace your air conditioning unit filters about once…...

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Greenflation: Myth vs Fact

Amid headlines about record inflation, critics of clean energy policy have tried to blame it for the higher heating bills and the general surge in prices–they even use the term “greenflation.” But climate-friendly policy is not the cause of the high prices.  The world was already grappling with pandemic-related supply…...

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