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Consumer sends heartfelt thank you after CUB saves her $60/month

By Samantha Vercellino

20150603_PostcardWanda Cunningham didn’t know how CUB could help her lower her high phone bills when she first called the consumer group. Now—one year later—the Olympia Fields resident credits her $60 a month savings to that fateful call.

Wanda’s call was fielded by Bilingual Environmental Outreach Coordinator Ivonne Hernandez who advised her to send in copies of her most recent phone bills for evaluation.

After thoroughly reviewing the bills, the three-year veteran of CUB’s team called Wanda back to share a few money-saving suggestions, such as switching to a low-cost Consumer’s Choice local-callings plan and a good long-distance deal.

“I was truly amazed…,” Wanda wrote in a thank you letter. “It was a very simple process for me to make the changes.”

Ivonne’s cost-cutting skills helped Wanda save about $60 a month ($720 a year)!

In appreciation of CUB’s work, Wanda donated $75 and enclosed a heartfelt “Thank You” to all the staff. “I was elated at what CUB had done for me, as I’m an 84-year old widow with a very limited budget,” Wanda said. “Please keep up the great work!”

If you have questions about your utility, phone or cable service, call CUB’s Consumer Hotline, at 1-800-669-5556, to talk with a utility expert.

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