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Protecting yourself from a data breach

Online data breaches have been in the news a lot this year, so what can you do firsthand to avoid being a victim of identity theft? When a data breach strikes When news breaks of a data breach within a company that holds your information, it’s not always clear what…...

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Safety during a winter power outage

Power outages don’t just happen during storms on balmy summer days. Winter power outages can be more difficult due to the harsh cold. Here are some tips for staying safe if you find yourself caught in one. Getting prepared When a winter storm hits, you may not be able to…...

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Warn your neighbors

Warning: This fall, CUB uncovered one of the highest rates we’ve ever seen with an electric supplier. With Just Energy, “Amy” was locked on a payment of $60 per month for her electricity supply. With the amount of electricity she used in October, that meant she paid 24.9 cents per…...

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Help CUB continue fighting for consumers: #GivingTuesday

Today, Giving Tuesday, CUB has a special offer: Donate $30 or more to help fight rate hikes, and we will renew your CUB membership for 2019 and send you a soft roll-up blanket (48” X 53”) decorated with the CUB logo. (It’s a great holiday gift—perfect for fall sporting events or cozy…...

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Thank you

On this week of giving thanks, CUB wants to tell you how grateful we are that you are concerned about the fight for lower utility bills in Illinois. Thank you! Reminder: Next week is “Giving Tuesday” (Nov. 27), the national day for supporting nonprofits. But today we have a special early-bird offer:…...

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[Breaking] Fight bad water bill (again)

A few months ago, Gov. Rauner signed a horrible bill—an update to the Water Privatization Act. The bill allows the state’s biggest private water companies to buy up municipal water systems and raise rates for customers across Illinois. Well, there’s an exciting development: Due to a legal technicality, the General Assembly…...

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“Listen, Lead, Share” shows urgency for clean energy future

The Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA) proves that strong bipartisan leadership can grow a clean energy economy that creates jobs and reduces power bills. And from dozens of recent listening sessions across Illinois, residents have an urgent message for the new governor and General Assembly: Don’t stop now! Thanks to…...

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$125+ million in consumer savings in 2018–$20+ billion total!

CUB’s team helped save Illinois consumers more than $125 million in 2018, adding to the $20 billion in savings since the consumer watchdog opened its doors 35 years ago. “We thank Illinois consumers for their generous support,” CUB Executive Director David Kolata said. “CUB members are the heroes in this…...

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[New Info] Picking ComEd Customer Pockets

UPDATE: Today, CUB’s lawyers are filing comments before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). We’re protesting a proposal that CUB Executive Director Dave Kolata told Crain’s Chicago Business could have “devastating consequences for Illinois consumers.” And we need your help! For months we’ve been warning that a plan to redesign the nation’s…...

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Energy myths busted

Congratulations to CUB’s Energy Myths Quiz winners: Regina from Aurora and Patricia of Oak Lawn! They each won $100 off their October utility bills for taking the time to bust some energy myths. Whether you took the quiz or not, check out the answers below to see how your energy…...

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Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!