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ComEd power price going up

Big developments on your ComEd bills: One part of your bill went DOWN, another is going UP—and it could get even worse if some giant power generators get their way in Washington. Read what’s happening to your ComEd bills, and, if you haven’t already, please sign our petition against two proposals in Washington that…...

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CUB shows AT&T customer how to cut long-distance bill in half

Thanks to Palos Township, CUB showed an AT&T customer how to cut her long-distance bill in half (and then some). The township organized a CUB utility bill clinic in Palos Hills this week. These days, CUB’s clinics typically focus on gas and electric bills, but we’re prepared to handle telecom…...

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Urge Governor Rauner to veto House Bill 4508

The Illinois House and Senate have passed a bill that could raise water rates for many Illinois consumers. House Bill 4508 renews old legislation that allows Illinois American Water and Aqua Illinois–the big corporations pushing the bill–to raise existing customers’ rates in order to bankroll the purchase of municipal water…...

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CUB’s offer to you for fighting rate hikes

It’s that time of year again; sunnier days, family vacations and…CUB membership! If you donate $25 or more to CUB before May 31, you will receive an insulated tote bag (large!) you can use all summer long. It’s perfect for your grocery store runs, picnics and beach parties. We want to show…...

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What this millennial learned about alternative electric suppliers

As someone who still lives at home with her parents (for now), I never paid too much attention to electric bills…until I came to CUB. My name is Jennifer, CUB’s new Communications Assistant and a millennial utility-expert-in-training. I didn’t even know Illinoisans could choose a supplier other than ComEd, but…...

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Consumer’s persistence and CUB lead to $797 Sprint credit

Your monthly cellphone bill already takes a chunk out of your wallet, and even more if you have multiple people on one plan. So when Moira Melendez and her son Michael found a “buy one, get one free” offer, they thought they had come across a great deal.  But the months…...

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Illinois EPA plans meetings on $108 million in Volkswagen settlement funds

Illinois is receiving $108 million from the 2016 Volkswagen Clean Air Act violation settlement. The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hosting three public outreach sessions to hear your input about its plan to spend the money, and to answer your questions. CUB and other consumer advocates have urged the…...

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Tell Your Senators: Don’t Back Down on Net Neutrality!

UPDATE: The U.S. Senate voted 52-47 to restore net neutrality – an important victory, but now net neutrality faces an even tougher battle in the House. Tell your Representative to stand up for net neutrality! The clock is ticking for net neutrality, the federal rules that preserve free and open access…...

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Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!