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CUB Contest

Say cheese! Enter CUB’s photo contest and you could win $300

Are you proud of your community? Show it off for CUB’s 30th Anniversary Photo Contest! Take a photo of yourself (or a loved one) incorporating some aspect of your community—a town sign, landmark, natural wonder, roadside attraction, etc. Email your photo to [email protected] or mail to 309 W. Washington St.,…...

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Win $300 for showing off your #CUBLove!

Get ready for your close-up! CUB staff travels across Illinois each year to help consumers save money on their utility bills.  We love visiting all the unique, special places that make our state so great!  Now, it’s your turn to show off: In honor of CUB’s 30th Anniversary, we’re giving $300 to…...

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Need an extra $100?

After this year’s never-ending winter, we are definitely ready for festivals, fireworks and fun this July 4th.  Bring on the sunny weather! But these hot summer days don’t just cause the mercury to rise–they can make electricity bills jump, too.  And who can enjoy a good barbecue when you’re worried about power…...

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They’ve won $25 off their power bills

Congratulations to John of Millstadt and Michael of Tinley Park for winning $25 off their electric bills after taking CUB’s power price survey! About 1,200 people took the survey, which accompanied an article on the five key questions to ask about utility rate changes taking effect June 1 (ComEd’s rates are jumping…...

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Illinois’ most hated bill: Cable gets the nod!

The results are in from our survey on Illinois’ most hated bill. It’s cable, but judging by the survey results there’s plenty of bill-hate to go around. 1) Cable: 627 votes, 35.8 percent 2) Natural Gas: 461 votes, 26.4 percent 3) Electric: 296 votes, 16.9 percent 4) Phone: 240 votes,…...

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CUB’s Earth Day Giveaway has a winner!

Congratulations to Sarah, the winner of CUB’s Earth Day Giveaway! She’s just won $25 off her next utility bill as well as an energy efficiency kit: an LED, a smart power strip, and a Kill A Watt. Runner-up winners were Nancy and Mary-Jo. Each will receive an LED bulb. Congrats! Sarah,…...

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Congrats, Carole!

The loyalty of CUB members is simply astounding. Take for example Carole J. of Elgin, who has been a CUB supporter ever since the organization helped her dispute a hefty utility bill years ago. “I wasn’t even a member back then,” she says, “but I have been a member ever since.” We wanted to…...

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Drumroll please…

More than 400 CUB supporters voted this week in our 30th Anniversary Cartoon Contest to pick their favorite artwork over the years.  The results are in, and the winning CUB cartoon is…. (Guess you all are fed up with those tedious customer service lines!) We are also happy to announce our grand…...

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Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!