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Warm weather tips

Preparing for an Expensive Summer: Your Energy Efficiency Shopping List

In 2021, homes across the country used about 235 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity to cool their homes–that’s about 16 percent of total residential energy consumption. So as we prepare for an expensive summer, it pays to improve your home’s efficiency. CUB put together a  home-improvement shopping list for better energy…...

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Can you take the heat? Summer savings tips

Summer is around the corner, so make sure your home—and wallets—can handle the heat. Check your HVAC system. Have a professional check your HVAC system. Consider cleaning your air-conditioning unit’s filter once a month, but at the very least once every three months. It’s an easy way to improve the…...

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Finding the right A/C unit for your home

A correctly-sized room air conditioning unit can make a big difference in its performance. A bigger unit does not guarantee better cooling. You need to make sure the air conditioner size is proportionate to the room. It’s easy to think a larger unit produces more cool air, but not exactly.…...

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Beware of A/C scams in a heat wave

The hot summer months can pose a threat to your health if you’re not careful. It can also be a threat to your wallet. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) says home and business owners should be extra careful when heat warnings take place. Rising temperatures are a perfect time for…...

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Eco-friendly green gadgets for summer

As we ease into summer, the warm months ahead are a great opportunity to incorporate some “cool” eco-friendly items into your routine. Here are some green gadgets that will sustain you–and the environment–all summer. Smartphone sprinkler systems The Green IQ Smart Sprinkler allows you to control how your lawn is…...

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A heated debate: What’s the ideal temperature for programming your thermostat?

When it comes to setting the thermostat, everyone has an opinion–and that can lead to some heated debates among couples (pun intended). According to the Department of Energy, setting your thermostat back 7 to 10 degrees from its normal setting for 8 hours a day can save you up to 10…...

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Folks, we have a winner…

Cue the drum roll: We’re pleased to announce that Donna H. is the lucky winner of CUB’s “Biggest Energy Hog” summer quick poll! The Chicago-resident beat out more than 2,350 other hopefuls to snag CUB’s top prize—$100 off her power bill and two super-efficient light bulbs. Her name was randomly…...

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Get ready for summer with this money-saving checklist

Use this simple checklist to get your home ready for summer: 1) Dust off the grill: Grills keep heat out of the kitchen, meaning air conditioners don’t have to work harder to cool it off. 2) Schedule a check-up: An HVAC technician should check your heating and cooling equipment. Should…...

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Safety first: Tips to prevent electrical hazards

With air conditioners and ceiling fans powered on, summer is a time of high electricity use.  But amidst all that buzzing and whirring, it might be easy to overlook some electrical safety risks. Follow these electrical safety tips to keep your home hazard-free: Check outlets for loose plugs that could cause shocks or…...

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