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electric bills

ComEd and Ameren customers: Your new electric rates for 2021

Ameren and ComEd have new electric delivery and supply rates as of Jan. 1. CUB breaks it down. Delivery Rates What are delivery rates?  Electric bills have two parts: delivery and supply. All of us pay delivery rates to cover the utilities’ costs of sending electricity over their wires to…...

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Mysterious group tries to derail clean energy legislation in Illinois

A mysterious dark money group has reportedly spent more than $250,000 on social media and TV advertising designed to hurt efforts to pass strong clean energy legislation in Illinois, according to research by Capitol Fax and the Clean Jobs Coalition, of which CUB is a member. The shadowy group deceptively calls itself…...

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Q&A on the ComEd and Ameren Formula Rates for 2021 

What happened?  On Wednesday, Dec. 9, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approved delivery rate cuts for Ameren Illinois and ComEd customers. The ICC voted to give ComEd a delivery rate decrease of about $14 million.  The state regulatory body OK’d a decrease of about $48.7 million for Ameren. The lower…...

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CUB Q&A: FERC ruling takes Illinois a step closer to paying higher bills to support dirty energy

A new ruling by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) brings Illinois one step closer to funding a fossil fuel bailout. And that increases the urgency to pass the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA), sweeping legislation that would protect consumers’ power bills while moving the state toward 100 percent renewable…...

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Gov. Pritzker restarts discussions on clean energy legislation

Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced on Friday that he plans to restart “working group” discussions with the goal of passing strong clean energy legislation, possibly in the Fall Veto Session. As Crain’s Chicago Business reports, a working group—which includes consumer advocates, renewable power producers, environmental advocates, the utility industry and more—had…...

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Federal legislation gives Illinois $41 million boost in energy assistance

Illinois has received more than $41 million in extra assistance to help low-income consumers pay their electric and gas bills during the pandemic, thanks to the federal stimulus package that passed earlier this spring. The $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act is a wide-ranging package designed…...

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Consumer advocates race against the clock to stop a big bill hike

As you know, CUB has been working to fend off a federal regulatory ruling that threatens to hit most Illinois consumers with a huge electric bill increase (up to $864 million a year). But we’re facing a roadblock and that’s why we need your help to fight an important and…...

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Chicago becomes national leader with EV ordinance that’s good for pocketbook, planet

Chicago has joined a small circle of U.S. cities pioneering policies to prepare for the projected growth in electric vehicles (EVs). On Friday, the City Council passed an ordinance that opens the door to cost-effective expansion of charging equipment in residential and commercial buildings. It’s called the Electric Vehicle Supply…...

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ICC OKs new ComEd pilot program, giving electric customers more money-saving choices

Customers of Illinois’ largest electric utility are one step closer to enjoying another program to help them save money and lower their reliance on dirty sources of power: “Time-of-use” (TOU) pricing. Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) have been pressing for this innovative program for more…...

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Federal ruling “direct attack” on Illinois, CUB’s leader testifies

A federal regulatory ruling that threatens to raise electric bills by up to $864 million a year “punishes Illinois for our successful clean energy policies” and is a “direct attack” on the state’s authority to protect its residents, CUB Executive Director David Kolata told a legislative committee today. The recent…...

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