Nicor’s record-breaking $230M hike In November, just months after receiving a $93.5 million delivery increase, Nicor Gas was back at the ICC, asking for a $230 million rate hike. “This is the largest natural gas rate-hike request CUB has seen in 35 years of fighting for Illinois consumers, and it’s fueled by a massive profit rate…...
ICC report shows record losses with alternative electric suppliers
CUB warns consumers that enrolling with an alternative supplier could lead to paying higher electric and gas bills. In fact, losses at the hands of electric suppliers reached a record high of $227.6 million over the past year, according to the 2018 annual report of the Illinois Commerce Commission’s Office…...
Step forward in Illinois: ICC OKs new protections against electric rip-offs
After three years of hard work by consumer advocates and regulators, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) today voted to finalize new consumer protections against electric rip-offs. The key rules require alternative electric suppliers to: -Obtain a third-party verification of a door-to-door sale or a “Letter of Agency” (documentation in which…...
ICC approves new rules to protect electric shoppers
CUB commended the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC), led by Chairman Brien Sheahan, for advancing new rules designed to help electric customers avoid bad deals from alternative electric suppliers. “We believe a healthy competitive electric market always makes consumer protections a priority,” CUB Executive Director David Kolata said in a statement. “These…...
Let’s not foot the bill for a gas utility’s mistakes!
The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) is investigating a Peoples Gas pipe-replacement program after an audit found that it has been plagued by mismanagement. The ICC’s audit reveals projected costs for the program have ballooned to $4.6 billion—and that could cause consumer rates to double over the next decade. If that’s not…...
5 things you should know about Ameren’s $45 million electric rate cut
Good news just in time for the holidays! The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) has ordered a $45 million rate cut for Ameren electricity customers. Key points about the decrease: When it takes effect: Jan. 1, 2014. What’s behind the change: It’s part of Ameren’s new “formula rate.” Back in 2011, the…...