New filings with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) reveal a disturbing pattern of mismanagement of the troubled Peoples Gas pipeline-replacement program, with the company not answering basic questions about the program and admitting it hasn’t done an overall cost-analysis in nearly a decade. (Read the joint release from Illinois PIRG…...
CUB testimony: State regulators should slash Nicor Gas’ record rate-hike request
Nicor Gas’ record $321 million rate-hike request includes an excessive profit rate for corporate shareholders and should be slashed by at least $106.5 million, according to expert testimony CUB filed Tuesday. (Read our news release.) “Nicor’s rate-hike request is unjust and unreasonable–it will only be a hardship for customers, and…...
Advocates push for cutting $18.8 million off Illinois American Water rate-hike request
CUB argues that Illinois’ biggest private water company is pushing for an exorbitant profit rate for its shareholders, and its $100 million rate-hike request should be reduced by nearly 20 percent. The consumer watchdog group co-sponsored testimony from Christopher Walters, an expert on water regulatory issues with Brubaker & Associates,…...
In Another Month of High Gas Prices, CUB Alerts Consumers to New Protections
The Citizens Utility Board (CUB) urges people struggling to pay their heating bills to contact their utility to find out what protections and relief are available, as natural gas prices continued to soar. The price spike coupled with aggressive spending by gas utilities has caused many consumers to pay hundreds…...
Consumer advocates secure utility protections after hard winter
Throughout the pandemic, consumer advocates, state regulators and utilities have negotiated consumer protections to try to keep people connected to service. The following is a summary of the latest protections, broken down by the major utilities in the state, according to the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). After reading this, CUB…...
CUB statement on Ameren’s $57.6 million electric rate hike
Ameren’s Illinois’ $57.6 million formula rate hike just adds to consumers’ pain in an already difficult year. In addition to this electric delivery rate hike, in 2021 consumers have endured significant increases in gas and electricity supply rates as well as a $76 million gas delivery rate hike. Ameren customers…...
CUB’s legal team takes on alternative suppliers in 2021
UPDATE: The Second District Appellate Court of Illinois upheld the Illinois Commerce Commission’s $1 million fine against LifeEnergy, another legal victory for consumers. In 2020, CUB secured a $1 million fine against the supplier, but it appealed to the higher court. Alternative electric supplier National Gas & Electric, LLC will…...
State: Illinois electric customers overpaid by $431 million with alternative suppliers
Illinois consumers who buy their electricity from alternative suppliers collectively paid $431 million more in the last year than they would have by sticking with their utility, according to a new report from the Illinois Commerce Commission’s Office of Retail Market Development. From May 31, 2020 through May 31, 2021,…...
CUB challenges ICC’s approval of Nicor’s “trash gas” program
The Citizens Utility Board (CUB) is pushing back on a $16 million Nicor Gas pilot program that would charge consumers to connect its system to so-called “renewable natural gas” sources, such as landfills. The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) recently approved Nicor Gas’ proposal, but the consumer watchdog is challenging the…...