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CUB/EDF propose an IL first: Community Solar

Power to the people, right on. -John Lennon Mr. Lennon would have appreciated the “community solar” proposal that CUB and the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) have made before the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). The proposal would smash barriers that have kept families from enjoying the benefits of renewable energy. Imagine entire neighborhoods getting…...

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Exelon proposes surcharge that would jack up ComEd, Ameren bills by an estimated $300 million/year

For more than a year now, we’ve been hearing rumblings that ComEd-parent Exelon would push for some type of legislation that would boost revenue for its fleet of nuclear plants. Now, Illinois’ largest energy company has gone public. As Crain’s Chicago Business reported earlier this week, the giant wants to…...

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Keeping up with $1.6 billion in Illinois rate-hike battles

Consumer wallets took a big hit in January, with four utility rate increases–and a new $53 million natural gas rate-hike request. On Jan. 1, ComEd and Ameren were awarded a combined electric rate increase of $436 million (about $232 million for ComEd and $204 for Ameren). CUB filed a  “petition for…...

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Déjà vu: Rate-hike edition

Ameren’s had $90 million in rate hikes since 2008, and now it wants more. In late January, Ameren Illinois filed for a $53 million natural gas rate hike, including  a return on equity (profit rate for shareholders) of more than 10 percent.  This is the same Ameren whose parent company earned more…...

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Consumer Alert: Highest prices in the Illinois electric market

The Illinois electric market can be confusing (and expensive!) but CUB is here to help. We reviewed more than 100 individual offers from alternative electric suppliers across Illinois and we want to warn you about the highest prices we found.  Some of these rates about double that of the regulated utility! In  ComEd territory,…...

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Join the fight against ComEd & Ameren rate hikes

As of Jan. 1, ComEd and Ameren hit Illinois consumers with a combined electric rate increase of $436 million (about $232 million for ComEd and $204 million for Ameren). The rate-hike, which went into effect January 1, impacts “delivery” rates—what you pay the utility to deliver power to you—and accounts…...

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Illinois natural gas prices drop (for now)

By Samantha Vercellino   The temperature isn’t the only thing that’s dropping. Gas prices have fallen by up to 31 percent this month, compared with December. Here’s a sampling of what major Illinois utilities are charging this month compared with last: Utility Company Jan. 2015 (cents/therm) Dec. 2014 (cents/therm) Percent Ameren  56.308 57.17 -1.51%…...

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Auto rate hikes bill passes, but here’s why it might still die

It’s never good news to report that an automatic rate hikes bill has passed the General Assembly, but it turns out the measure might already be on life support. Today, the Senate easily passed a bill to extend by two years, annual automatic rate hikes for ComEd and Ameren. That…...

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News that hits us like a big lump of coal: Gas prices up by as much as 30% this December

By Samantha Vercellino As cold grips the Midwest in the opening days of December, we’re forced to welcome natural gas prices that are up to 30 percent higher. Major Illinois utilities are charging consumers 13-30 percent more to heat their homes this December compared to last. Peoples Gas showed the…...

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Ameren, ComEd Steamrolling Auto Rate Hikes in Springfield

Right now, a bill sailing through the General Assembly would lock in yearly, automatic electric rate hikes for two more years–through 2019. And CUB says: Not so fast! The increases, made possible by the General Assembly’s “smart grid law” in 2011, are to pay for new digital electric meters and…...

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