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Speak up: Fight Ameren’s attack on energy efficiency

This week, CUB sent out a special e-newsletter to alert you to a new threat to energy efficiency that has the potential to raise Illinois power bills. What happened? Just months ago Illinois passed the Future Energy Jobs Act that requires the state’s biggest utilities to reduce electricity waste more…...

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It’s Peak Time season!

As we enter the dog days of summer, Illinoisans who have signed up for ComEd’s Peak Time Savings or Ameren’s Peak Time Rewards programs will have the chance to earn credits on their power bills. These no-cost programs for people with new digital electric meters give participants a credit for reducing electricity…...

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Join CUB’s Community Action Campaign

This June we’re challenging EVERYONE in Chicago to join CUB’s Community Action Campaign. In the battles below, Julie, CUB’s general counsel, is up against the best lawyers the utilities can buy. She can’t beat them alone, which is why you and your neighbors must join the fight. Remember they only win when…...

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New Ameren supply rate

People have been calling CUB wanting to know what Ameren’s new summer power price will be. Now we know! The price, effective June 1, is: 5.369 cents/kilowatt-hour (kWh) What you need to know: *If you are an Ameren supply customer—meaning if you are NOT with an alternative supplier—this is what you…...

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The day in the life of a CUB outreach staffer…

By Annabelle Roser As solar energy becomes more accessible to everyday consumers, the financial incentives of owning solar panels can be hard to pass up. The benefits of subsidizing or eliminating your energy bills through net-metering can be especially enticing to retirees or those on fixed incomes. Recently, I met…...

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How much are utility parent companies making?

Help us in the fight against these utility giants. Consider a small gift, whatever you can afford, to help us lower your electric, gas and telecom bills!...

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How does this winter heating season compare to the past?

Despite this sudden burst of winter weather in March, we finally can see the light at the end of the tunnel. So how did natural gas prices for this heating season (November- March) compare with last winter? The largest average increase in the Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA) from last year…...

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What should you ask when considering an alternative electric supplier?

If you’re looking into signing up with an alternative electric supplier, make sure to look at this checklist before you put your name on the dotted line. For more information, including a complete list of current alternative supplier rates, get CUB’s no-cost “Guide to Avoiding Electric Rip-offs” emailed to you....

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Reminder: The sign-up deadline for Ameren’s Peak Time Rewards is March 1!

It’s the last day for Ameren Illinois customers with new advanced electric meters to sign up for a no-cost program that rewards them with bill credits for delaying heavy power usage on certain days. To sign up for Ameren’s Peak Time Rewards program, visit PeakTimeRewards.com or call 1-844-787-7874. Qualifying customers who…...

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CUB featured on CBS 2

CUB was featured on Chicago’s CBS 2 last night warning consumers in ComEd territory that they could see a marketing barrage from alternative electricity suppliers over the next year. The consumer watchdog told reporter Dorothy Tucker that more than 100 communities have contracts with alternative electricity suppliers expiring over the next six…...

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