Are you paying too much with an alternative supplier? Want to know about efficiency programs that can help you save money? Do you just need some reassurance that nothing’s wrong with your bill? You’re in luck; we’ve created a free CUB service to help Illinois consumers during the pandemic: remote…...
CUB services helping consumers cut their utility bills $26/month
CUB services have saved participants an average of about $26 a month on their utility bills, according to a staff review. COVID-19 may have brought CUB’s in-person events to a halt, but that hasn’t stopped CUB’s outreach team from working hard to serve consumers through online events and services. Along…...
CUB’s Virtual Utility Bill Clinic
Because of concerns about COVID-19, we are bringing back a popular service: virtual utility-bill clinics. How it works: A CUB specialist will look over your gas, electric and telecom bills to see if you’re signed up with an alternative supplier or if you’re paying for unnecessary products and services. We’ll…...