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high gas prices

Q&A: High natural gas bills in Illinois

Natural gas bills are at their highest level in years, and the two major reasons are: overly aggressive spending by gas utilities and skyrocketing supply prices. Read our Q&A to get the details. How expensive has this been for consumers?    People in Illinois who heat their homes with natural…...

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Affordability crisis: Illinois consumers grapple with overdue utility bills as winter weather draws near

Heading into what could be the most expensive heating season Illinois consumers have seen in more than a decade, many utility customers across the state are already behind on their utility bills.  Nearly 170,000 Peoples Gas customers, about 20 percent, are more than 30 days behind on their natural gas…...

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Q&A: High natural gas prices in Illinois 

Natural gas prices charged by Illinois utilities began shooting up last spring, and continue to be at a high level (double and triple last year’s prices) as we head into the expensive winter heating season. Read our Q&A to find out why this is happening and how you can protect…...

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