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CUB Statement on $199 Million ComEd Rate-Hike Request

This is the statement CUB released on Friday, April 15: This is bad news for Illinois consumers who are coming off the most expensive winter heating season in more than decade, and it’s why we’re working to build a more consumer-friendly rate-setting system in Illinois. CUB will review ComEd’s rate-hike…...

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Tell CUB: How do you fight climate change? (You could win a prize!)

Recent United Nations (UN) reports on climate change have painted a grim picture of the current climate crisis. The good news is that the UN is optimistic that the consequences of climate change–extreme weather, rising water levels, droughts and more–can be avoided or lessened if we take action now. In…...

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Working to save you money: Free CUB events in April

Happy April everyone, we’ve officially reached spring! The days are getting longer and the weather is getting warmer. Below you will find several events that can help you improve energy efficiency at home and protect your bottom line this month. We hope to see you there. 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.,…...

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Upcoming CUB events in March 2022

Happy March everyone, spring is just around the corner and hopefully milder weather translates to lower gas bills.  Below you will find several events that can help you improve energy efficiency at home and protect your bottom line. We hope to see you there. 4:30 – 6:30 p.m., Thursday, March…...

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Marking a year of skyrocketing gas prices: CUB urges consumers to separate myth from fact

As Illinois utility customers enter their twelfth straight month of high heating prices, the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) issued a consumer alert to warn natural gas customers about pervasive myths that could ultimately hurt their bottom lines. (Watch CUB’s video on three actions you can take to fight high gas…...

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First person: Home energy assessment simple, easy, helpful for CUB lawyer

By Eric DeBellis CUB Regulatory Counsel As a lawyer at CUB and a new homeowner, I figured I ought to practice what I preach, so I signed up for a home energy audit through my utility this winter. My experience was simple, easy, and helpful. An energy efficiency technician from…...

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CUB Report: Comprehensive State-By-State Rankings on Utility Performance Cast Doubt on Claims that Fossil Fuels Lower Power Bills

While officials in the fossil fuel industry have long insisted that investments in coal and natural gas are necessary to keep electricity bills low and the lights on, a consumer watchdog group says that its first-ever analysis of state-by-state energy data casts doubt on those claims. In fact, Electric Utility…...

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The worst utility bill of 2021? No surprise here: Natural gas!

Congratulations to Candice of Lake Zurich on winning CUB’s $100 prize for participating in our “Most Expensive Utility Bill of 2021” poll. Candice’s submission was randomly selected from over 300 participants. Like most other respondents, Candice said their natural gas bill was the worst:  “My gas bill in December 2020…...

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CUB’s Capitol Report: 2022 to-do list includes fighting for gas, water, broadband customers

And they’re off! The General Assembly is at the beginning of the spring session. Bills are being introduced, read, and debated.  Here’s a summary of what we’re working on this year. Fighting to protect gas customers. It is clear to see when you open your gas bill that something is…...

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February’s natural gas prices: How much will you pay to heat your home?

A year after a deep freeze across the Southern United States sparked problems in the natural gas distribution system, Illinois consumers are still suffering under skyrocketing heating bills because of that extreme weather and other market problems.    The prices for major natural gas utilities in Illinois are as follows:  Ameren…...

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