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Clean Energy Jobs Act

Environmental justice communities could see pollution problems addressed with CEJA

All people are entitled to live in clean communities free from health hazards, but not everyone enjoys this guarantee. “Environmental Justice” — or EJ — communities are regularly exposed to harmful pollution, but the Clean Energy Jobs Act aims to change that by helping the state make an equitable transition…...

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As solar funding dries up, Illinois renewables need CEJA

Despite rapid solar adoption after Illinois passed strong energy legislation in 2016, the state is fast-approaching a solar cliff–the funding that helps propel the state’s solar industry is running out. But the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA) could prevent the state’s clean energy progress from toppling over the edge. Specifically,…...

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New Poll Shows Statewide Support for CEJA

A new poll shows that 8 in 10 Illinois voters support the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA), comprehensive renewable energy legislation that would protect our power bills and create thousands of well-paying jobs as Illinois faces the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. “The poll results are overwhelmingly positive—82%…...

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Update: CEJA must pass this session, despite COVID-19

CUB’s consumer advocacy work during the Coronavirus emergency includes fighting rate hikes–and that’s why we’re continuing to push for passage of the Clean Energy Jobs Act during this spring legislative session. It just can’t wait.  CEJA not only puts Illinois on a path to 100 percent renewable energy by 2050,…...

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Overpaying by $4.4 billion? New report shows why we need electricity market reforms

We’re paying $4.4 billion more for electricity than we need to be. According to a new report, consumers all over the U.S.—including northern Illinois—are overpaying for a “capacity” charge that’s hidden on most electric bills. This is a major reason why CUB is fighting for the electricity-market reform provisions in…...

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Federal ruling “direct attack” on Illinois, CUB’s leader testifies

A federal regulatory ruling that threatens to raise electric bills by up to $864 million a year “punishes Illinois for our successful clean energy policies” and is a “direct attack” on the state’s authority to protect its residents, CUB Executive Director David Kolata told a legislative committee today. The recent…...

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CUB study finds big savings for EV drivers with special Ameren pricing plan

A new study by CUB found that electric vehicle drivers in Central and Southern Illinois could potentially save hundreds of dollars a year in charging costs if they participate in an Ameren Illinois program called Power Smart Pricing. “Charge for Less: An Analysis of Electricity Pricing for Electric Vehicles in…...

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More than 23,000 pro-CEJA petitions delivered to governor

Today CUB and other members of the Illlinois Clean Jobs Coalition delivered more than 23,000 petitions from Illinoisans asking Gov. J.B. Pritzker to support the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA). Coalition members presented the petitions at both the governor’s Springfield and Chicago offices, after holding news conferences. CEJA is a…...

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Bill pending in IL General Assembly would quash the threat of $864M increase on Northern IL customers

Clean energy legislation pending before the General Assembly stands as the only viable alternative to an explosive increase in electricity costs—believed to be the largest in state history—for millions of Illinois consumers, following a recent regulatory ruling by appointees of President Trump, the Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition said Tuesday. The coalition…...

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Chicago City Council supports CEJA, “puts us on the right path” to a clean energy future

In a boost to the fight for clean, affordable energy, the Chicago City Council unanimously passed a resolution today supporting the Clean Energy Jobs Act (CEJA).  CEJA puts Illinois “on the right path” to a clean energy future, said Ald. George Cardenas, as he introduced the resolution. Cardenas is chairman…...

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