Congratulations to Sarah, the winner of CUB’s Earth Day Giveaway! She’s just won $25 off her next utility bill as well as an energy efficiency kit: an LED, a smart power strip, and a Kill A Watt. Runner-up winners were Nancy and Mary-Jo. Each will receive an LED bulb. Congrats! Sarah,…...
Brutal April: Ameren, ComEd ask for $481 M in electric rate hikes
We knew these rate-hike requests were coming, but they still hurt. In April, ComEd and Ameren have asked for a total of $481 million in rate hikes, which would take effect in January 2015. Here’s CUB’s statement: “This month, Ameren and ComEd have filed for $481 million in electric rate hikes—about…...
Visit CUB’s 30th Anniversary Page!
It’s CUB’s big 3-0! Visit CUB’s 30th Anniversary page to read a message from Executive Director Dave Kolata, peruse heartwarming stories from Illinois consumers, and see a slideshow of CUB’s “greatest hits” through the years. (Seriously, those pictures are not to be missed– especially if you want to see Illinois’ big players in action, or if…...
It’s not a designer handbag, it’s natural gas!
Jason Knowles, a sharp reporter for ABC 7’s I-Team, did a hard-hitting report this week on high natural gas rates from unregulated suppliers in the Chicago region. Jason’s interview with a consumer whose gas bill skyrocketed featured this wonderful quote: “It’s not a designer handbag that you can charge what…...
You’ll need an aspirin for these headaches
At CUB, we couldn’t do the work we do—saving individual consumers hundreds of dollars on their utility bills, advocating for consumer protections in Springfield, and fighting rate-hike hungry energy companies—without support and input from our members. That’s why we sent a survey out last November asking you to rate your…...