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Hot tip: ComEd’s Hourly Pricing program might be right for you!

More than a million Illinois consumers are with alternative suppliers, but CUB would like to alert people to yet another choice: Commonwealth Edison’s Hourly Pricing program. The program lets customers take advantage of hourly market-based electricity rates, which tend to be lower during nights and weekends. While not for everyone, thousands of…...

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Gas prices are up–but don’t fall for these myths

Chicago-area natural gas prices this month are up 41-51 percent compared with last February–but don’t assume you’ll find better deals with an unregulated gas supplier. The most notable February increase is for Nicor Gas customers, who will see a 52 percent jump since last year, from 27 cents per therm to 41 cents…...

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CUB featured on WGN-TV

WGN news last night ran a story that featured CUB’s petition to the Federal Communications Commission to ask for protections for cellphone data customers. The story profiles several customers receiving exorbitant bills for data overages, when they said they barely used their data at all. If you haven’t already, sign our…...

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CUB honored with consumer education award

The Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative announced Monday that the Citizens Utility Board (CUB) is a recipient of the group’s CLEAR Consumer Education Award for 2017. The annual CLEAR Awards, now in its fifth year, recognizes a utility, technology provider and nonprofit that serve as role models for smart grid consumer education…...

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New electric rates for Ameren customers

Ameren customers may be pleasantly surprised to see their new electric rates for 2017, but CUB is fighting for an even bigger rate decrease. The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) has approved a $14.5 million Ameren electric rate decrease that took effect Jan. 1. CUB is glad that rates have dropped,…...

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New electric rates for ComEd customers

With the new year comes new electric rates for Illinoisans. The Illinois Commerce Commission has approved a $127.5 million ComEd delivery rate hike. The 5 percent increase took effect Jan. 1 and is expected to raise average bills (660 kilowatt-hours a month) by $2. CUB is challenging the rate hike…...

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Want to lower your cellphone data bill?

One of the biggest sources of frustration for smartphone users is exorbitant data rates. However, there are measures you can take to prevent paying more than you have to on your next bill. (The Cleveland Plain Dealer ran a series of stories about data overages, including some really helpful tips, after…...

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New gas prices for January

Most natural gas customers in Illinois will see higher gas rates in January, according to new numbers released by utilities. The most notable increase is Nicor, which is at 42 cents/ therm this month, up from 27 cents/therm this time last year. Liberty Utilities is the lone utility with a…...

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Northwest Herald: Thumbs up to CUB!

The Northwest Herald of Crystal Lake used its last editorial of 2016 to praise CUB for the cable guide we released in December. “Thumbs up: to the Citizens Utility Board for releasing its first ever guide to help TV viewers cut down on costs,” the Northwest Herald wrote. Thanks for…...

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CUB cable campaign makes headlines across Illinois

We launched an education campaign for cable customers in mid-December, and it’s been making headlines across the state. Some examples of the coverage we’ve received: Comcast-owned station asks if cable bills are too high, Broadcasting Cable CUB offering guide on cutting on TV costs, Champaign News-Gazette CUB releases guide to…...

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