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gas bills

Op-Ed: Here’s why our gas bills are skyrocketing

By David Kolata, CUB executive director CUB has been sounding the alarm for months about soaring natural gas bills, as we could be on the hook to pay hundreds of dollars more to heat our homes this winter. You can blame your high bills on two reasons: Skyrocketing natural gas…...

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Despite price drop, natural gas supply rates still high compared to 2020

Several natural gas utilities have dropped their prices slightly in December after months of ballooning prices. Despite the slight decrease, natural gas prices are still two to three times greater than they were last December. Current natural gas prices are related to an extreme cold snap that froze natural gas…...

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With an expensive winter ahead, CUB Help Center aims to protect consumers from ballooning gas bills

Illinois consumers are facing the possibility of hundreds of dollars in higher heating bills this winter due to skyrocketing natural gas prices and aggressive utility spending. Most supply rates went up again on Nov. 1, with major utilities charging about double 2020 prices. CUB has launched an online help center…...

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Affordability crisis: Illinois consumers grapple with overdue utility bills as winter weather draws near

Heading into what could be the most expensive heating season Illinois consumers have seen in more than a decade, many utility customers across the state are already behind on their utility bills.  Nearly 170,000 Peoples Gas customers, about 20 percent, are more than 30 days behind on their natural gas…...

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New assistance program helps Nicor customers afford their gas bills

Nicor Gas and The Salvation Army are partnering to provide emergency assistance to help individuals and families pay their natural gas utility bills. Funding through the Shield of Caring program will assist residential customers who are past due on their gas bill and report a financial hardship, such as a…...

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Save money on your bills and keep your home warm: Practice efficiency!

With the high natural gas prices we will likely see throughout the winter, be mindful of your gas usage this heating season. Practicing efficiency can help you better control your bills while still keeping your home comfortable. The gas efficiency section of CUB’s website has resources to help you get…...

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Heating bills will be expensive this winter. If you need assistance, call these numbers.

Natural gas prices are double the price from 2020 and electric rates just went up, causing growing concern as cold weather draws near. Be prudent with your electric and gas usage this winter, and practice energy efficiency when possible. If you’re having a hard time paying your bills or you’ve…...

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Using a space heater this winter? Consider this.

Gas prices are skyrocketing right now, and it looks like these high prices will continue through the winter. CUB’s Consumer Advocacy Department has already received some calls: Consumers want to know if it’s better to turn down their thermostat and turn on a space heater. The short answer: If you…...

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Q&A: High natural gas prices in Illinois 

Natural gas prices charged by Illinois utilities began shooting up last spring, and continue to be at a high level (double and triple last year’s prices) as we head into the expensive winter heating season. Read our Q&A to find out why this is happening and how you can protect…...

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Your Winter To-Do List: Save Money, Keep the Chill Out

Grocery stores have started selling Halloween candy, and Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spiced Latte is back on the menu: Fall is upon us, and chilly weather isn’t far behind. Start preparing for colder temps with these five to-dos to keep your home warm and safe this winter. Weatherstripping – Weatherstripping can be…...

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