Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Insulate your windows. Switch to efficient light bulbs. Many of these basic tips are old hat for savvy CUB members. For those who are already energy efficiency experts, we wanted to share with you some unique money-saving tips that could help you…...
EPA’s carbon rules: Progress or problem?
In June, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed the “Clean Power Plan” for states to reduce carbon emissions from power plants. Proponents say the plan will cut pollution-related costs and give a big boost to energy efficiency, which will lead to consumer savings. Opponents of the plan say it will…...
Land of Lincoln leading the nation: An information bill of rights for smart meter customers
Illinois could become the first state to require electric utilities to give customers quick and easy access to their own energy-usage data, under a proposal filed with state regulators by the Environmental Defense Fund and CUB. The is a key time for Illinois electric customers, as ComEd and Ameren launch…...
CUB, ABC 7 shine spotlight on a ‘Major’ problem
Check out Jason Knowles’ ABC 7 investigative piece on Major Energy, an alternative electric supplier with a track record that’s causing CUB concern. Some of the most egregious complaints CUB has received about alternative suppliers have been connected to Major. They’re one of the companies that sparked CUB and the…...
They made how much?
We’re fighting the utilities in nearly $1 billion in rate-hike battles, but a review of their parent companies’ 2nd quarter earnings would have more than a few Illinois consumers scratching their heads as to why the companies need all that extra cash. The parent companies of ComEd, Peoples Gas, North Shore Gas,…...
Appellate court ruling rains on ComEd’s parade
Ever had to suffer through a long, expensive, food-spoiling power outage? Yep, it stinks. Even worse, for years, ComEd has dodged giving compensation to its customers in such outages. Those days may be over, thanks to a recent Illinois Appellate Court decision. Crain’s Chicago Business reported recently that the Appellate Court…...
Last chance!
Fed up with your cable choices? Make your voice heard while there’s still time! The Federal Communications Commission’s open comment period for the proposed Comcast/Time Warner merger ends August 25th. Sign CUB’s petition demanding the FCC either reject the deal or ensure these basic consumer protections: Mandatory compensation to customers who suffer…...
The 5 most annoying things about Illinois’ power grid (and what a smarter grid could do about it)
Illinois’ power grid—the aging lines and equipment that deliver electricity to our doorstep—has become a costly headache for electric customers. The “smart grid,” which is an umbrella term for grid upgrades, could help change that. CUB has compiled a list of the most annoying consumer headaches that ComEd and Ameren…...