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A new utility for CUB?

The White House has come out in support of reclassifying broadband Internet as a utility. That would be a win for “net neutrality,” enabling the Federal Communications Commission to prohibit Internet Service Providers from blocking, throttling or prioritizing Web services in exchange for payment. Net neutrality is the idea that…...

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Special Report: Is your community power deal still best for you?

Once, municipal aggregation—when community leaders negotiate power prices on behalf of residents–was a sure bet for electricity savings. Not any more. “Although it’s still possible to save money with electric competition, the era of easy savings is over in Illinois,” CUB Executive Director David Kolata says in CUB’s special report today. Kolata advises consumers…...

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Proof: Internet access providers slowing speeds

Net neutrality is the idea that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like Verizon and Comcast cannot discriminate against certain web traffic.  In other words, ISPs can’t slow down traffic for companies that refuse to pay up. Finally, proof has emerged that not only is such “Pay-to-Play Internet” a possibility, it’s already happening. A recent…...

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Don’t say the “P” word

by Samantha Vercellino The weather is about to change–and not in a good way. Painful memories of last winter will resurface this week as the Midwest welcomes back the “polar vortex” which was triggered by Super Typhoon Nuri, the National Weather Service says. The Artic outbreak will bring below-average temperatures for…...

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Have you seen this gas supplier at your door?

Check out this hard-hitting report out of Canada about Just Energy, an alternative gas supplier that in the past has gotten in hot water over questionable marketing practices in Illinois. Remember, if a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. See our tips from last winter.   ...

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DIY: Electric & gas bill analysis

by Samantha Vercellino Have you ever looked at your energy bills and asked yourself, “Why are they so high?” You frantically scan them in hopes of finding the problem but don’t know where to start. CUB analyzes thousands of bills a year. These are three key questions we ask about any electric…...

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CUB Action Network members say NO to Big Telecom

Consumer advocates expect Big Telecom to mount a new push to eliminate important consumer protections on home phone service in Illinois–and CUB Action Network members have something to say about it. The Illinois Telecommunications Act—important legislation that protects your rights and keeps telephone landline rates low—is up for review in 2015. In…...

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How low is too low?

By Samantha Vercellino It’s the perfect time to throw on your comfiest sweater, take some simple steps to weatherize your home and turn down your home’s heat. The lower the temperature, the more you save. But, before you crank down your thermostat, here’s what you need to know. With each…...

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Goodbye to affordable landline service?

While you’re heading to the polls today, CUB is gearing up for a key legislative battle this spring. The Illinois Telecommunications Act—important legislation that protects your rights and keeps telephone landline rates low—is scheduled to be rewritten in 2015. Millions of Illinois households, including many of our most vulnerable citizens, depend…...

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Great advice and savings at CAPS Energy Efficiency Event

CUB was honored to be invited to a CAPS (Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy) Energy Efficiency Event at Chicago’s 7th District Police Station Thursday.  Several CUB staffers were on hand to help residents uncover savings in their phone, gas, and electric bills. Aimee Gendusa-English, CUB’s community service liaison, had the opportunity to look over the…...

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