Protect yourself from disconnection with the following tips. Be proactive. If you’re having difficulty paying your bills, call your utility. Here are the direct hotlines for major Illinois utilities: Ameren Illinois – 1-800-755-5000 Aqua Illinois – 1-877-987-2782 ComEd – 1-800-334-7661 Illinois American Water – 1-800-422-2782 Nicor Gas – 1-888-642-6748 North…...
CUB challenges water rate hikes in 2024: Help us fight them!
Illinois consumers face two new water rate hikes in 2024. Here’s how you can get involved. Aqua Illinois Rate Hike (ICC Docket # 24-0044) Aqua Illinois on Jan. 17 filed for a $19.2 million rate hike before the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC). For the average residential wastewater and water bill (4,000 gallons),…...
Casework roundup: In 40th year, CUB fights old and new rate hikes
CUB’s 40th anniversary is turning out to be another tough year, as we fight old and new rate hikes. Major electric and gas utilities were not pleased with Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) rulings issued late last year–and all of them launched legal challenges to the decisions. Plus we’ve got breaking…...
Marking 40 Years of Consumer Advocacy and $20 Billion in Savings, CUB Plans Year of Events To Help Illinois Consumers Protect Themselves Against Biggest Threats to Utility Bills In 2024
The Citizens Utility Board (CUB), a consumer group that has helped save Illinois utility customers more than $20 billion, is marking its 40th anniversary by traveling the state to give consumers money-saving tips and warn people about the worst threats to their utility bills in 2024. CUB’s 40th Anniversary Utility…...
CUB speaks out: Beware of bad deals from energy suppliers
Many consumers wonder if they should switch to an alternative supplier to cut down on their electric or gas bills. But beware, these enticing offers are many times not as good as they seem. In fact, Illinois consumers have lost $1.6 billion to alternative electric suppliers since 2015. CUB Executive…...
ComEd and Ameren electricity prices up in October
Electricity supply prices charged by Commonwealth Edison and Ameren Illinois have increased by 10 percent and 19 percent, respectively, as of October 1. Now that a pandemic-related ban on door-to-door marketing has been lifted, CUB warned Illinois consumers to beware of unscrupulous alternative supplier sales representatives that may try to…...
Take CUB’s Thermostat Quiz–you could win $100!
Do you bicker with your family over the thermostat setting? You’re not alone! Test your knowledge by taking our thermostat quiz. We’ll randomly select one quiz-taker to win $100 off their summer energy bills. The deadline to enter is midnight, July 31. Take the quiz now! Energy efficiency isn’t about…...
Washington Post: Nearly 1% of all Illinois residences were cut off for nonpayment in October 2020
In a special report from Peoria, Washington Post reporter Greg Jaffe uncovered grim statistics about shut-offs in that Central Illinois city. It indicates, as one researcher said, that our social safety net is in “grave need of repair.” Jaffe reports: As the pandemic dragged on month after month, hundreds struggled…...
CUB Q&A: Illinois and spiking natural gas prices
The extreme winter weather that hit the nation February 14-15 has led to some Illinois consumers paying high natural gas prices. In issuing a disaster proclamation for all 102 Illinois counties in the wake of the snow and subzero temperatures, Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s administration sounded the alarm a few weeks ago:…...