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consumer protections

Tips from CUB: Use caution if a solar sales rep knocks on your door

Solar is an excellent deal in Illinois, but that doesn’t mean every offer pitched to you is the right one for your home. CUB’s Scott Allen recently spoke to WGLT, the public radio station in the Bloomington-Normal area, to recommend that consumers use caution if a solar salesperson  knocks on…...

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As expensive winter looms, know your rights when it comes to disconnection

One in five Chicago households are over 30 days late on their heating bills as of Sept. 30. Cumulatively they owe more than $120 million, according to a report published in Crain’s Chicago Business. As we head into what could be one of the most expensive heating seasons in recent…...

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CUB urges Illinois consumers to contact their utilities to access consumer protections

The Citizens Utility Board is urging Illinois consumers to contact their utility companies immediately to take advantage of consumer protections available to them due to the pandemic. A state moratorium on shutoffs expires on April 1, so it is vital that people who are struggling to afford their bills get in…...

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CUB urges consumers to call utilities, access protections

CUB is urging Illinois consumers to contact their utility companies to take advantage of consumer protections available to them due to the pandemic. “If you are struggling to pay your bills, immediately contact your utility to find out what protections are available, and set up a plan to prevent disconnection,”…...

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CUB alert: People struggling to pay utility bills should call their utilities to take advantage of landmark consumer protections

CUB urges Illinois consumers having difficulty paying their utility bills during the pandemic to contact their utility companies to take advantage of unprecedented consumer protections available to them. “Anybody struggling to pay their bills during the pandemic should immediately contact their utility to find out what protections are available, and…...

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Breaking: Major utilities extend moratorium on shut-offs

Major Illinois utilities have extended the moratorium on shut-offs for another month, until around September, according to a statement from state regulators. Ameren Illinois, Aqua Illinois, Consumer Gas, ComEd, Illinois American Water, Liberty, Nicor Gas, Peoples Gas, North Shore Gas and Utility Services of Illinois are among the utilities with extended moratoriums…...

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Consumer advocates fight for extended COVID-19 protections for utility customers

After a historic agreement between consumer advocates and Illinois’ major utilities, state regulators are now considering the most comprehensive COVID-19 utility relief measures in the country. This plan could serve as a national model for helping utility customers struggling to pay their bills during the worst economic crisis since the…...

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Don’t let Sen. McConnell kill net neutrality

This year, the U.S. House of Representatives listened to the 86% of Americans across the political spectrum who want net neutrality protections back, and passed the Save the Internet Act. The bill would restore internet consumer protections federal regulators killed in 2017, but it’s going nowhere. In fact, it was…...

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Executive Director’s Report

Because of CUB’s most valuable supporters, here’s an update on where we’re at with some key battles in Springfield. Also, we want to let you know about a special offer in honor of CUB’s 35th anniversary. 35 years ago this month, a small group of consumer advocates began challenging high…...

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Join the fight for stronger electric consumer protections in Illinois

We’ve got breaking news: Unregulated electricity suppliers may launch a summer lobbying campaign to weaken new consumer protections soon to be considered by state lawmakers. We need you to take action. Just days ago, the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) took the positive step of approving new rules designed to help…...

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Join the fight for lower utility bills in 2025!