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AARP, IL PIRG, CUB Launch Save Our Service (SOS) Campaign

Today, AARP, the Illinois Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) and CUB joined forces to launch the Save Our Service (SOS) campaign to block AT&T-backed legislation that would hang up on Illinois’ most vulnerable phone customers. Consumer advocates urged Illinoisans to visit SaveOurPhoneService.com to send messages to the General Assembly against AT&T’s deregulation…...

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Hate robocalls ➡ Sign Petition

CUB doesn’t always see eye-to-eye with FCC Chairman Ajit Pai on key consumer issues—but here’s where we do agree: We hate robocalls. Any recorded call that tries to sell you something without your written permission is an illegal robocall. In fact, we were hit with about 2.4 billion robocalls a…...

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Like music to her ears : CUB helps violin instructor slash phone bill by $81

Imelda Kaminski, a violin instructor who’s been playing the instrument for 60 years, depended on her home phone service even more after her husband underwent spinal surgery—with all the calls to family, friends and doctors. Her husband’s recovery was her only concern until her AT&T bill arrived. It had soared…...

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Show some love for landlines

The largest provider of telephone service in America will break the hearts of millions of Illinoisans if its plan to kill traditional home phone service is approved by state legislators. This year the Illinois Telecommunications Act—important legislation that protects consumer rights—is up for review, and AT&T wants its dismantled. The…...

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Cut TV costs with CUB’s free guide

On Tuesday morning, CUB held a news conference to release a first-ever guide to help Illinois consumers cut their TV bills. You can receive a copy of CUB’s Guide to Cutting Your TV Costs—which includes information for both “cord shavers” and “cord cutters”— by visiting www.CUBCableCenter.com. (While you’re there, remember…...

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Act now! Fight irritating, illegal robocalls

Today, CUB asked Illinois consumers to sign a petition to fight illegal “robocalls.” It’s the perfect time to take action, now that Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler has urged big phone companies to give customers free technology to block these computer-generated telemarketing calls. We’re all annoyed by these…...

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Comcast: Data caps are coming to Chicago

By Sagar Dommaraju Chicago-area Comcast customers will soon face limits to their data usage, as the company expands its nationwide data cap trials. CUB warned the caps might come to Illinois way back in December,  when the consumer group asked CUB Action Network members to sign a petition against such restrictions to…...

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For sale on the Interent: Your private info? Sign our petition to the FCC!

Nobody wants big Internet companies (like AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner and Verizon) to sell our personal info to the highest bidder. That’s why we’re happy the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has just proposed what could be the strongest online privacy protections ever. The new rules would require Internet service providers to…...

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CUB’s Internet, cable, and telephone shopping guide

Gone are the simple days of a landline phone, a few TV channels, and a dial-up Internet connection.  Step into the nearest Best Buy, and you can become quickly overwhelmed by the plethora of telecom options available.  To make shopping a little easier, here’s CUB’s tips to help you make the right Internet, cable and…...

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Tell phone companies: Protect me from robocalls!

Sick of annoying telemarketing calls? We hear you. New call-blocking technology could stop robocallers from harassing you—but we still have to convince major phone companies to get on board and offer the services. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently clarified rules and gave telephone companies the green light to offer…...

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