During high-priced times, many consumers wonder if they should switch to an alternative supplier. However, when energy prices are up, alternative gas and electricity suppliers are often impacted by the same market conditions, so be careful about getting lured into bad deals. And two recent articles help drive that point…...
Watch Out For Alternative Supplier Rip-offs With These Tips
During high-priced times, consumers wonder if they should switch to a gas or electric alternative supplier. Be careful. “Alternative electricity suppliers are impacted by the same market conditions that are causing utility prices to increase, so be careful about getting lured into bad deals,” said CUB General Counsel Julie Soderna…...
CUB’s legal team takes on alternative suppliers in 2021
UPDATE: The Second District Appellate Court of Illinois upheld the Illinois Commerce Commission’s $1 million fine against LifeEnergy, another legal victory for consumers. In 2020, CUB secured a $1 million fine against the supplier, but it appealed to the higher court. Alternative electric supplier National Gas & Electric, LLC will…...
Alternative supplier agrees to pay $300,000 settlement
Alternative electric supplier Star Energy Partners LLC will pay a $300,000 settlement for alleged misleading marketing practices and agreed to stop pitching its products or enrolling customers in Illinois for two years. The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approved the settlement, which was negotiated by consumer advocates, including utility watchdog Citizens…...
State: Illinois electric customers overpaid by $431 million with alternative suppliers
Illinois consumers who buy their electricity from alternative suppliers collectively paid $431 million more in the last year than they would have by sticking with their utility, according to a new report from the Illinois Commerce Commission’s Office of Retail Market Development. From May 31, 2020 through May 31, 2021,…...
Could alternative suppliers come knocking again soon?
At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, state utility regulators directed all alternative electric and natural gas suppliers to suspend their door-to-door sales because of the transmission risk. But the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) could soon allow doorstep sales now that Illinois is in phase 5 of its reopening plan. …...
Alternative supplier to pay $325,000 for alleged marketing, sales violations
Alternative electric supplier Great American Power will pay a $325,000 settlement after consumer advocates accused it of failing to comply with state regulations governing alternative suppliers. The supplier is now banned from marketing its products or enrolling customers in Illinois for five years. The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) approved the…...
Updates on CUB’s fight to rein in alternative suppliers behaving badly
When CUB helped pass historic consumer protections against alternative supplier rip-offs, the watchdog made it clear that the hard work was just beginning. “We look forward to working with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) and Attorney General (Kwame) Raoul to help enforce these new rules and build a better market…...