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Consumer listens to Dad, Calls CUB & saves on Comcast bundle

By Samantha Vercellino Last October, Lisa Karmenzind was ready to pull the plug on her Internet, cable and phone bundle from Comcast. Her monthly bill had jumped from $147 to $202, and she could no longer afford the expensive services. The Peoria-area resident wasted no time trying to sever ties…...

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Good riddance to obnoxious exit fees

In the General Assembly’s spring session, CUB championed the only major energy legislation to get passed—a bill that says sayonara to bad fees. State lawmakers unanimously approved a bill (HB 3766) that would cap exit fees charged by alternative power suppliers. Residential and small-business customers get slapped with these fees when…...

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CUB helps granddaughter secure $1,286 refund for grandmother

By Samantha Vercellino Ever since her grandmother fell ill, Cheryl  took over the responsibility of paying her utility bills. Handling her affairs never troubled Cheryl until the 97-year old racked up $1,200 in electric and gas charges with the alternative supplier Spark Energy. Concerned her grandmother signed up with Spark…...

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Beware of utility imposters

More than 1,000 consumers have signed CUB’s petition asking legislators to help fight the utility imposter scam. In this awful scam, con artists knock on your door or call you, pretending to be from the regulated utility and demanding quick payment of a bill to avoid a service shut-off. It’s been…...

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4,400+ messages sent by CUB Action Network this month!

By Samantha Vercellino  CUB Action Network members have been on their “A” game in May. Over the last three weeks, they have sent some 4,400 messages to regulators and legislators to reduce rate hikes, save landlines and protect consumers’ rights. The issue at the forefront of most members’ minds appears…...

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Telecom, utility concerns on AG’s list of top consumer complaints

Telecommunications and utilities are both top concerns for Illinois residents, according to Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s annual top 10 list of consumer complaints. In 2014, the Attorney General’s office fielded 2,162 telecommunications-related complaints from consumers (No. 3 on the list), and 566 utility-related complaints (No. 10). Attorney General Madigan’s…...

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Grateful AT&T customer gives a big thank you to CUB

By Samantha Vercellino Two months had passed and Chicago-area resident Michael could not understand why AT&T was sending him bills for home phone service that he did not have. But when he called to resolve the issue, he said AT&T representatives told him he was responsible for paying half the…...

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Last Chance to do Valentine’s Day Shopping!

By Samantha Vercellino Don’t have time to buy that special someone a Valentine’s Day gift? Luckily, you can do your last minute shopping online and support CUB at the same time. Shop at more than 250 popular retailers (like Amazon, Target and Nordstrom), and they will donate up to 20…...

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CUB helps consumer clean up $1,583 from credit report

When Joseph Guice received a call from a collections agency for an outstanding ComEd bill of $1,583, he knew something was wrong. “I was shocked to see the bill,” Guice said. “Nobody told me that I owed anything.” Before the 87-year-old retired barber moved to a senior home on Chicago’s South…...

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“She’s phenomenal!”

We received a call recently from a consumer ecstatic over the savings she discovered after speaking with one of our staffers at a utility bill clinic in Elmhurst. Theresia, of Wood Dale, learned how to shave $53.10 per month off her bills, thanks to guidance from CUB Environmental Outreach Coordinator Laura Goldberg.…...

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