Occasionally this year, a generous CUB member has been nice enough to match your donations. Recently, we asked him why, and his answer was simple: “Because I love how CUB saves people money.” To spark our fall campaign, this anonymous contributor has again generously offered to match every donation this…...
60 events! Outreach on record-setting pace in August
A big thank you to CUB’s Outreach team, which is on track to hold a record-breaking 60 money-saving events in August! The 10-member team is trying to beat the previous record of 57 speaking engagements, tabling events and utility-bill checkups across the state. Recently, the team traveled to Hillsboro, Maywood,…...
Consumer listens to Dad, Calls CUB & saves on Comcast bundle
By Samantha Vercellino Last October, Lisa Karmenzind was ready to pull the plug on her Internet, cable and phone bundle from Comcast. Her monthly bill had jumped from $147 to $202, and she could no longer afford the expensive services. The Peoria-area resident wasted no time trying to sever ties…...
Good riddance to obnoxious exit fees
In the General Assembly’s spring session, CUB championed the only major energy legislation to get passed—a bill that says sayonara to bad fees. State lawmakers unanimously approved a bill (HB 3766) that would cap exit fees charged by alternative power suppliers. Residential and small-business customers get slapped with these fees when…...
CUB helps granddaughter secure $1,286 refund for grandmother
By Samantha Vercellino Ever since her grandmother fell ill, Cheryl took over the responsibility of paying her utility bills. Handling her affairs never troubled Cheryl until the 97-year old racked up $1,200 in electric and gas charges with the alternative supplier Spark Energy. Concerned her grandmother signed up with Spark…...
Consumer sends heartfelt thank you after CUB saves her $60/month
By Samantha Vercellino Wanda Cunningham didn’t know how CUB could help her lower her high phone bills when she first called the consumer group. Now—one year later—the Olympia Fields resident credits her $60 a month savings to that fateful call. Wanda’s call was fielded by Bilingual Environmental Outreach Coordinator Ivonne Hernandez…...