(800) 669-5556


Free energy-saving products!

Peoples Gas, North Shore Gas and ComEd have all partnered to bring homeowners free and discounted energy-saving products to reduce their home’s energy and water use. Participants will receive a free personalized home energy assessment along with the installation of discounted energy-saving products: Programmable thermostat WaterSense® certified showerheads Pipe insulation Smart…...

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First Quarter Report: $58,828 in Consumer Savings

While CUB’s legal and policy teams fought $6 billion in higher rates in the first quarter of 2016, the consumer advocacy and outreach departments were busy too, helping consumers save an estimated $58,828.08. According to CUB records, the outreach department–which holds money-saving events across Illinois–showed consumers how to cut their utility…...

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Give a little bit of your time—to CUB!

Looking for ways to give back? CUB’s Volunteer Program may be the perfect opportunity to do just that. The program consists of consumers across the state who are interested in helping CUB’s Outreach team in and out of the office. Volunteers are asked to do a variety of tasks ranging…...

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