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Marion man wins CUB’s cable giveaway

Thomas from Marion has just won $50 off his next cable bill. The 77 year old’s name was pulled from more than 3,000 people who responded, enthusiastically, to CUB’s Cable Quick Poll. “It’s a long shot winning anything anymore, so I’m excited,” Thomas said. “But I’m still waiting to win that $300…...

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Smart thermostat survey: ‘It saved me 16% on last year’s heating and air conditioning costs’

As part of a recent survey, we asked smart thermostat owners to give a review of the devices. Check out what some of them said. (Remember, up to $150 in rebates are available for smart thermostats.) David T.; Chicago: It saved me 16% on last year’s heating and air conditioning costs. Gayle…...

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East Galesburg man wins CUB Voice Giveaway

Congratulations to Henry, of East Galesburg, for winning The CUB Voice’s Green Giveaway. Henry’s name was randomly selected out of 253 CUB Voice subscribers who entered the giveaway in our summer edition. He wins $100 plus an energy efficiency gift of his choice: a solar cellphone charger or a water-powered…...

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South suburban mom scores smart thermostat

Saving energy and money have always been top priorities for Anam El-Jabli and her family. But the purchase of a new air conditioner last year made it hard for them to afford other appliances. Then the stay-at-home mom read about CUB’s Smart Thermostat Giveaway in the group’s weekly e-newsletter. “I’m an active follower…...

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Q&A: The Attorney General’s Settlement with Ethical Electric

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has reached a settlement with a Washington, D.C.-based  alternative electricity supplier, Ethical Electric Inc., for misleading direct mail solicitations of its “green” offers. Under the settlement, Ethical, which has been a top source of consumer questions or complaints to CUB, promises to pay customers refunds.…...

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Fight for a $30 M Ameren rate cut

You may have heard that Ameren proposed a $14 million electric rate cut, to take effect on Jan. 1, 2017. Now, CUB and other consumer advocates have analyzed Ameren’s filing—and we argue that the company owes you an even bigger decrease: $30 million. Here’s how you can help us in…...

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Act now! Fight irritating, illegal robocalls

Today, CUB asked Illinois consumers to sign a petition to fight illegal “robocalls.” It’s the perfect time to take action, now that Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler has urged big phone companies to give customers free technology to block these computer-generated telemarketing calls. We’re all annoyed by these…...

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We’ve got a winner!

Anam E. of Alsip has won CUB’s Thermostat Giveaway. Congratulations Anam! Anam’s name was pulled from among 1,600 other hopefuls to win the high-tech thermostat, which allows consumers to remotely control a home’s temperature from a smartphone or tablet. CUB asked people to answer a quick poll on whether they…...

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ICC report: Northern Illinoisans losing money with alternative electric suppliers

By Sagar Dommaraju Northern Illinois consumers with alternative electricity suppliers have lost $188.6 million over the last two years, according to the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) in an  annual electric competition report. The ICC’s Office of Retail Market Development said in its annual report that Illinois consumers with another supplier lost…...

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Win a Thermostat: Quick Poll Deadline Extended!

By Sagar Dommaraju CUB has extended the deadline for its smart thermostat giveaway to midnight Wednesday, August 3. Take CUB’s quick poll and you could be randomly selected to win a free smart thermostat, valued at up to $250. If you take the poll, we’ll also send you information on smart…...

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